2019/11 - 至今,中山大学,物理学院,副教授
2016/12 - 2019/11,中山大学,物理学院,副研究员
2011/9 - 2016/6,中山大学,光学工程,博士
2014/10 - 2016/9,美国中佛罗里达大学,光学院(CREOL),访问学者
2007/9 - 2011/6,中山大学,物理学,学士
2. 国家自然科学基金委面上项目,2021 - 2024,主持
1. 广东省基础与应用基础研究重大项目,2021 - 2025,项目骨干
7. 国家重点研发计划(课题),2020 - 2023,主持
6. 广东省重点领域研发计划(课题),2020 - 2022,主持
5. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目,2019 - 2022,主持
4. 广州市基础与应用基础研究项目,2021 - 2023,主持
3. 国家科技创新项目,2019年度,主持
2. 国家科技创新项目,2020年度,主持
1. 国家自然科学基金委青年项目,2018 - 2020,主持
3. 2022年 "广东特支计划"科技创新青年拔尖人才
2. 获科技委奖项1项。
1. 超大数值孔径超构透镜成果入选美国光学学会2018年度重要成果(OPTICS 2018)
5. 中国光学工程学会计算成像专家委员会青年委员
4. 国际信息显示学会北京分会技术委员会委员
3. 国家科技重点项目专家
2. 南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室(珠海)固定成员
1. 中国图象图形学学会三维成像与显示专业委员会委员
21. J. Zhang, Q. Sun, Z. Wang, G. Zhang, Y. Liu, J. Liu, E. R. Martins, T. F. Krauss, H. Liang*, J. Li*, and X. -H. Wang, "A Fully Metaoptical Zoom Lens with a Wide Range," Nano Lett. 24 (16), 4893–4899 (2024). (Front Cover)
20. Y. Li, X. Huang, S. Liu*, H. Liang*, Y. Ling, and Y. Su*, "Metasurfaces for near-eye display applications," Opto-Electronic Science, 2, 230025 (2023).
19. L. Luo, Z. Wang, J. Li, and H. Liang*, "Wide-Field-of-View Trans-Reflective RGB-Achromatic Metalens for Augmented Reality," Photonics, 10, 590 (2023). (光学超构透镜与增强现实显示交叉)
18. R. Zhong, X. Xu, Y. Zhou, H. Liang, and J. Li*, "High-Efficiency Integrated Color Routers by Simple Identical Nanostructures for Visible and Near-Infrared Wavelengths," Photonics, 10, 536 (2023).
17. Y. Li1, S. Chen1, H. Liang*, X. Ren, L. Luo, Y. Ling, S. Liu, Y. Su*, and S. -T. Wu*, "Ultracompact multifunctional metalens visor for augmented reality displays," PhotoniX, 3:29 (2022). (光学超构透镜与增强现实显示交叉)
16. J. Zhang, H. Liang*, Y. Long, Y. Zhou, Q. Sun, Q. Wu, X. Fu*, E. R. Martins, T. F. Thomas, J. Li*, and X. -H. Wang, "Metalenses with Polarization-Insensitive Adaptive Nano-Antennas," Laser & Photon. Rev., 16(9), 2200268 (2022). (Front Cover)
15. G. Guang1, A. Zhang1, X. Xie, Y. Meng, W. Zhang, J. Zhou*, and H. Liang*, "Far-Field and Non-Intrusive Optical Mapping of Nanoscale Structures," Nanomaterials, 12, 2274 (2022).
14. W. Feng, J. Zhang, Q. Wu, A. Martins, Q. Sun, Z. Liu, Y. Long, E. R. Martins, J. Li*, and H. Liang*, "RGB Achromatic Metalens Doublet for Digital Imaging," Nano Lett., 22, 3969 - 3975 (2022).
13. Y. Long, J. Zhang, Z. Liu, W. Feng, S. Guo, Q. Sun, Q. Wu, X. Yu, J. Zhou, E. R. Martins, H. Liang*, and J. Li*, "Metalens-based stereoscopic microscope," Photon. Res. 10(6), 1501 - 1508 (2022).
12. A. Martins*, K. Li, G. S. Arruda, D. Conteduca, H. Liang, J. Li, B. -H. V. Borges, T. F. Thomas, and E. R. Martins*, "Correction of Aberrations via Polarization in Single Layer Metalenses," Adv. Opt. Mater., 10(9), 2102555, (2022).
11. T. Ye, D. Wu, Q. Wu, X. W. Sun, H. Liang*, K. Wang*, and M. Hong*, "Realization of inversely designed metagrating for highly efficient large angle beam deflection," Opt. Express 30(5), 7566 - 7579 (2022).
10. Z. Liu, W. Feng, Y. Long, S. Guo, H. Liang, Z. Qiu, X. Fu*, and J. Li, "A Metasurface Beam Combiner Based on the Control of Angular Response," Photonics 8, 489 (2021).
9. X. Fu, H. Liang*, and J. Li, "Metalenses: from design principles to functional applications," Front. Optoelectron. 48 (2021).
8. Q. Sun, H. Liang*, J. Zhang, W. Feng, E. R. Martins, T. F. Krauss, and J. Li*, "Highly Efficient Air-Mode Silicon Metasurfaces for Visible Light Operation Embedded in a Protective Silica Layer," Adv. Opt. Mater. 9(11), 2002209 (2021). (Inside Front Cover)
7. J. Lin, Q. Sun, W. Feng, S. Guo, Z. Liu, H. Liang*, and J. Li, "Enhancing the Light Extraction Efficiency in Micro-Organic Light-Emitting Diodes with Metalens," Adv. Photon. Res. 2(6), 2000145 (2021).(Front Cover)
6. A. Martins, K. Li, J. Li, H. Liang, D. Conteduca, B. -H. V. Borges, T. F. Thomas, and E. R. Martins*, "On Metalenses with Arbitrarily Wide Field of View", ACS Photonics 7, 2073 - 2079 (2020) .
5. H. Liang1, A. Martins1, B. -H. V. Borges, J. Zhou, E. R. Martins, J. Li *, and T. F. Krauss, "High performance metalenses: numerical aperture, aberrations, chromaticity, and trade-offs", Optica 6(12), 1461 – 1470 (2019). (Invited Review, Front Cover)
4. H. Li, D. P. Stellinga, Y. Qiu, Q. Sun, B. Chen, H. Liang*, T. F. Krauss, and J. Li, "Ultra-thin transmissive crystalline silicon high-contrast grating metasurfaces", Opt. Express 27(21), 30931 – 30940 (2019).
3. Y. Qiu, F. Zhao, X. Zhu, J. Li, H. Liang*, J. Wang, and Z. Cai, “Deflecting transmissive light beams with metasurfaces based on crystalline silicon high-contrast grating,” J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 52(8), 084001 (2019).
2. Y. Liu, H. Liang, C. W. Chen, X. Xie, W. Hu, P. Chen, J. Wen, J. Zhou*, T. H. Lin, and I. C. Khoo, “Ultrafast switching of optical singularity eigenstates with compact integrable liquid crystal structures,” Opt. Express 26(22), 28818-28826 (2018).
1. H. Liang, Q. Lin, X. Xie, Q. Sun, Y. Wang, L. Zhou, L. Liu, X. Yu, J. Zhou, J. Li*, and T. F. Krauss, “Ultrahigh Numerical Aperture Metalens at Visible Wavelengths,” Nano Lett. 18(7), 4460-4466 (2018). (OSA OPTICS 2018).
23. X. Huang, Y. Zhou, H. Liang*, and J. Zhou, "Binocular near-eye augmented reality enabled by full utilization of functional computer generated hologram," Opt. & Lasers Eng., 176, 108115, (2024).
22. Y. Ding, Q. Yang, Y. Li, Z. Yang, Z. Wang, H. Liang*, and S.-T. Wu*, "Waveguide-based augmented reality displays: perspective and challenges," eLight, 3:24, (2023).
21. Y. He, X. Chen, X. Li, Z. Li, Y. Fan, J. Ding, Z. Yan, H. Liang, and J. Zhou*, "Harnessing the plenoptic function for a directionally illuminated autostereoscopic display," Opt. Express, 30(25), 45553 - 45568 (2022).
20. H. Xu, S. Tabata, H. Liang*, L. Wang*, and M. Ishikawa, "Accurate measurement of virtual image distance for near-eye displays based on auto-focusing," Appl. Opt., 61(30), 9093 - 9098 (2022).
19. M. Cheng, J. Zhong, Y. Wang, J. Li, J. Yuan, J. He, J. Wang, H. Liang*, and J. Zhou, "Quantifying perceptual resolution for autostereoscopic three-dimensional displays," J. Soc. Inf. Disp. DOI: 10.1002/jsid.1179 (2022).
18. Y. Wang1, J. Zhong1, M. Cheng, J. Li, K. Ma, X. Hu, N. Li, H. Liang*, Z. Zhu, J. Zhou, and J. Yuan*, "A novel clinical dynamic stereopsis assessment based on autostereoscopic display system," Ann. Transl. Med. 10(12), 656 (2022).
17. X. Chen1, Y. He1, X. Li, M. Cheng, Z. Li, D. Deng, S. Wang, H. Liang, K. Li*, and J. Zhou*, "Harnessing and cloaking optical boundary in lens-array based display," Opt. & Lasers Eng., 156, 107085 (2022).
16. J. Ding, Y. He, S. Fu*, X. Xie, H. Liang, and J. Zhou*, "Display illumination with modulated directional backlight," J. SID DOI: 10.1002/jsid.1086 (2021).
15. H. Xie, H. Zhang, H. Liang, H. Fan, J. Zhou, W. L. A. Lo, and L. Li*, "A novel glasses-free virtual reality rehabilitation system on improving upper limb motor function among patients with stroke: A feasibility pilot study," Med. Nov. Tech. & Dev. 11, 100069 (2021).
14. H. Zhang, M. Chen, X. Li, K. Li, X. Chen, J. Wang, H. Liang*, J. Zhou*, W. Liang, H. Fan, R. Ding, S. Wang, and D. Deng, "Overcoming lantency with motion prediction in directional autostereoscopic displays," J. SID 28, 252 - 261 (2020).
13. M. Chen, X. Li, H. Zhang, K. Li, W. Liang, H. Dai, H. Liang, and J. Zhou*, "Quantitative measurement and reduction of flicker in directional backlight autostereoscopic displays," Opt. Comm. 458, 124714 (2020).
12. H. Liang, H. –C. Hsu, J. Wu, X. He, M. –K. Wei, T. –L. Chiu, C. –F. Lin, J. –H. Lee, and J. Wang*, “Corrugated organic light-emitting diodes to effectively extract internal modes,” Opt. Express, 27(8), A372 – A384 (2019).
11. K. Li, Y. Zhou, D. Pan, X. Ma, H. Ma, H. Liang*, and J. Zhou, “Global control of colored moirépattern in layered optical structures,” Opt. Comm. 414(1), 154-159 (2018).
10. J. He, Q. Zhang, J. Wang, J. Zhou, and H. Liang*, “Investigation on quantitative uniformity evaluation for directional backlight autostereoscopic displays,” Opt. Express 26(8), 9398-9408 (2018).
9. P. Ye, X. Wu, D. Gao, H. Liang, J. Wang, S. Deng, N. Xu, J. She, and J. Chen*, “Comparison of DP3 Signals Evoked by Comfortable 3D Images and 3D Images – an Even-Related Potential Study using an Oddball Task,” Sci. Rep. 7, 43110 (2017).
8. H. Chen, H. Liang, W. H. Lai, C. C. Li, J. Wang, J. Zhou*, T. H. Lin, and I. C. Khoo, “A 2D/3D switchable directional backlight auto-stereoscopic display using polymer dispersed liquid crystal films,” J. Disp. Tech. 12(12), 1738–1744 (2016).
7. H. Liang, Z. Luo, R. Zhu, Y. Dong, J. H. Lee, J. Zhou, and S. T. Wu*, “High efficiency quantum dot and organic LEDs with a back-cavity and a high index substrate,” J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 49(14), 145103(2016).
6. Y. Zhou, H. Fan, K. Li, H. Liang, J. Su, J. Wang, and J. Zhou*, “Simulation and control of display uniformity on a backlight illuminated image array,” J. Disp. Tech. 12(7), 707-714 (2016).
5. H. Fan, Y. Zhou, J. Wang, H. Liang, P. Krebs, J. Su, D. Lin, K. Li, and J. Zhou*, “Full Resolution, Low Crosstalk, and Wide Viewing Angle Auto-Stereoscopic Display With a Hybrid Spatial-Temporal Control Using Free-Form Surface Backlight Unit,”J. Disp. Tech., 11(7), 620-624 (2015).
4. H. Liang, R. Zhu, Y. Dong, S. T. Wu*, J. Li, J. Wang, and J. Zhou, “Enhancing the outcoupling efficiency of quantum dot LEDs with internal nano-scattering pattern,”Opt. Express, 23(10), 12910-12922 (2015).
3. Y. Zhou, P. Krebs, H. Fan, H. Liang, J. Su, J. Wang, and J. Zhou*, “Quantitative measurement and control of optical Moiré pattern in an autostereoscopic liquid crystal display system,”Appl. Opt., 54(6), 1521-1527 (2015)
2. H. Liang, S. An, J. Wang, Y. Zhou, H. Fan, P. Krebs, and J. Zhou*, “Optimizing Time-Multiplexing Auto-Stereoscopic Displays with a Genetic Algorithm,” J. Disp. Tech., 10 (8), 695 (2014).
1. J. Wang, H. Liang, H. Fan, Y. Zhou, P. Krebs, J. Su, Y. Deng, and J. Zhou*, “High-quality autostereoscopic display with spatial and sequential hybrid control,” Appl. Optics, 52(35), 8549-8553 (2013).
5. Y. Shui, J. Zhou, X. Luo, H. Liang, and Y. Liu*, "Imaging through scattering media under strong ambient light interference via the lock-in process," Opt. Express 32(8), 29782 - 29791 (2023).
4. Y. Shui, T. Wang, J. Zhou, X. Luo, Y. Liu*, and H. Liang*, "Scattered light imaging beyond the memory effect using the dynamic properties of thick turbid media," Adv. Photon. Nexus 2(2), 026010 (2023).
3. X. Xie*, Q. He, Y. Liu, H. Liang, and J. Zhou, "Non-invasive optical imaging using the extension of the Fourier-domain shower-curtain effect," Opt. Lett. 46(1), 98 - 101 (2021).
2. Y. Huang1, Y. Liu1, H. Liu, Y. Shui, G. Zhao, J. Chu, G. Situ, Z. Li, J. Zhou, and H. Liang*, "Multi-View Optical Image Fusion and Reconstruction for Defogging without a Prior In-Plane," Photonics, 8, 454 (2021).
1. X. Xie, H. Zhuang, H. He, X. Xu, H. Liang, Y. Liu, and J. Zhou*, “Extended depth-resoveled imaging through a thin scattering medium with PSF manipulation,” Sci. Rep. 8, 4585 (2018).
5. [发明授权] 李俊韬; 张建超; 梁浩文. 一种高数值孔径超构透镜的设计方法及高数值孔径超构透镜 - 202111666541.4; CN 114397754 B, 2023-06-30
4. [发明授权] 李俊韬; 梁浩文; 龙勇; 张建超; 周建英. 一种空分超构透镜的设计方法及其立体成像系统 - 202210203651.5; CN 114527569 B, 2023-04-11
3. [发明授权] 梁浩文; 冯伟彬; 李俊韬; 孙茜; 刘志浩. 一种消色差超构透镜的设计方法及其消色差超构透镜 - 201910000086034X; CN 109799611 B, 2021-06-22
2. [发明授权] 李俊韬;林巧玲;梁浩文;周镇鹏;王饮;周建英;余向阳. 高折射率对比度光栅及其制备方法与应用 - 201810597278.X; CN 108919399 B, 2020-10-16
1. [发明授权] 梁浩文;李俊韬;林巧玲;孙茜;王嘉辉. 一种超构透镜纳米单元的设计及超构透镜 - 201811133204.X; CN 109283685 B, 2020-10-09