

职       称:副教授 (博士生导师)
学       位:博士





2019.04至今          中山大学   物理学院   副教授(中山大学百人计划)

2018.07-2019.03   南京大学   现代工程与应用科学学院     助理研究员


2015.09-2018.06   南京大学   物理学        理学博士

2012.09-2015.06   南京大学   材料物理    工学硕士

2008.09-2012.06   南京大学   材料物理    理学学士









  1. 2022.1~2025.12  广东省自然科学基金“杰出青年项目”,主持 (在研)
  2. 2022.1~2026.12  国家重点研发计划, 参与 (在研)
  3. 2023.1~2026.12  国家自然科学基金"面上项目", 主持(在研)
  4. 2019.6~2021.6    中山大学“百人计划”项目, 主持  (结题)
  5. 2020.1~2022.12  国家自然科学基金“青年科学基金项目”,主持 (结题)
  6. 2022.1~2022.12  中山大学高校基本科研业务费“青年拔尖项目”, 主持 (结题)



2019年3月    入选中山大学“百人计划” 

2019年3月    研究成果“三维铌酸锂非线性光子晶体的实验实现”入选“2018年度中国光学十大进展(基础研究类)" (完成人排名1/12)

2018年11月  江苏青年光学科技奖




  1. Xuying Wang,Zhuojun Liu,Bo Chen,Guixin Qiu,Dunzhao Wei(共同通讯),and Jin Liu,  Experimental Demonstration of High-Efficiency Harmonic Generation in Photonic Moiré Superlattice Microcavities,Nano Lett.  24(36), 11327–11333(2024)
  2. Bo Chen, Sizuo Wu,Yuhao Ren, Xuying Wang, Dunzhao Wei (独立通讯) and Jin Liu,Nonlinear Photon Generations from Subwavelength Whispering-Gallery-Mode Resonator, Nano Lett.  24(24), 7467–7473(2024)
  3. Xinyu Liu , Dan Wei , Chun Chang , Dingwei Liu , Juntao Li, and Dunzhao Wei (独立通讯), Efficient generation of octave-separating orbital angular momentum beams via forked grating array in lithium niobite crystal, Nanophotonics, 13(18), 3465-3476(2024)
  4. Zhuojun Liu, Bo Chen , Xuying Wang , Guixin Qiu , Qitao Cao , Dunzhao Wei(共同通讯)  and Jin Liu;Enhanced vertical second harmonic generation from layered GaSe coupled to photonic crystal circular Bragg resonators;Nanophotonics 13(21), 4029-4035(2024)
  5.  Sichen Ye, Chun Chang, Xinyu Liu, Rui Chen, Chaowei Wang, Zhangkai Zhou, Dunzhao Wei(独立通讯), Xuehua Wang; Theoretical analysis and correction of tight focusing field within z-cut uniaxial crystals; Physical Review Applied, 2024(accepted)


  1. Peinian Huang, Bo Chen, Di Xia, Zhixin Li, Bin Zhang, Zhuojun Liu, Dunzhao Wei (共同通讯), Zhaohui Li, Jin Liu;Integrated Reconfigurable Photon-Pair Source Based on High-Q Nonlinear Chalcogenide Glass Microring Resonators,Nano letters 23, 4487-4494(2023)
  2. Dunzhao Wei, Pengcheng Chen, Yipeng Zhang, Wenzhe Yao, Rui Ni, Xiaopeng Hu, Xinjie Lv, Shining Zhu, Min Xiao, and Yong Zhang,Generation of high-efficiency, high-purity, and broadband Laguerre-Gaussian modes from a Janus optical parametric oscillator, Advanced Photonics Nexus 2(3), 036007(2023)
  3. He Li, Juntao Li, and Dunzhao Wei (通讯作者), Conversion and selection of Laguerre–Gaussian modes via a variable aperture in a geometric-phase-plate-assisted optical resonator, Optics Letters 48(10), 2672(2023)
  4. Chaowei Wang, Pengcheng Chen, Dunzhao Wei (共同一作), Leran Zhang, Zihang Zhang, Liqun Xu, Yanlei Hu, Jiawen Li, Yong Zhang, Min Xiao, Jiaru Chu, Dong Wu; Sequential Three-Dimensional Nonlinear Photonic Structures for Efficient and Switchable Nonlinear Beam Shaping, ACS Photonics 10(2), 456-463(2023)
  5. Guixin Qiu, Dunzhao Wei(共同一作), Zhuojun Liu, Jin Liu; Enhancement of spontaneous emission from CdSe/ZnS quantum dots through silicon nitride photonic crystal cavity based on miniature bound states in the continuum, Nanoscale 15, 3757-3763(2023)
  6. Pailin Lai, Chun Chang, Xinyu Liu, Dunzhao Wei(独立通讯);Multiplexing Linear and Nonlinear Bragg Diffractions through Volume Gratings Fabricated by Femtosecond Laser Writing in Lithium Niobate Crystal, Photonics 10(5), 562(2023)


  1. Xueshi Li, Jiantao Ma, Shunfa Liu, Peinian Huang, Bo Chen, Dunzhao Wei (共同通讯),  Jin Liu ; Efficient second harmonic generation by harnessing bound states in the continuum in seminonlinear etchless lithium niobate waveguides, Light: Science & Applications 11, 317(2022)
  2. Pengcheng Chen, Dunzhao Wei(共同通讯), Yipeng Zhang, Yong Zhang, and Min Xiao,  Self-consistent transverse modes in a geometric-phase-plate-assisted optical resonator, Phys. Rev. A 105, 033525(2022)


  1. D. Z. Wei, C. Wang, H. Wang, X. P. Hu , D. Wei , X. Fang , D. Wu , Y. Hu , J. Li , S. N. Zhu, and M. Xiao, Experimental Demonstration of a Three-dimensional Lithium Niobate Nonlinear Photonic Crystal, Nature Photonics 12, 596-600 (2018) (封面文章)
  2. D. Z. Wei, C. Wang, X. Xu, H. Wang, Y. Hu et al.,  Efficient nonlinear beam shaping in threedimensional lithium niobate nonlinear photonic crystals, Nat. Commun.  10, 4193(2019)
  3.  Pengcheng Chen, Chaowei Wang, Dunzhao Wei(共同一作), Yanlei Hu, Xiaoyi XuJiawen Li, Dong Wu,Jianan Ma, Shengyun Ji, Leran Zhang,Liqun Xu, Tianxin Wang,Chuan Xu, Jiaru Chu, Shining Zhu, Min Xiao, and Yong Zhang, Quasi-phase-matching-division multiplexing holography in a three-dimensional nonlinear photonic crystal, Light Sci. Appl. 10,146(2021)
  4. Yipeng Zhang, Tianxin Wang, Yue Cheng, Dunzhao Wei(通讯作者), Wenzhe Yao, Pengcheng Chen, Yong Zhang, and Min Xiao, Controllable laser output of high-quality cylindrical vector beam through intra-cavity mode conversion, Appl. Phys. Lett. 117, 111105(2020).
  5. D. Z. Wei, Y. Cheng, R. Ni, Y. Zhang, X. P. Hu, S. N. Zhu, and M. Xiao, Generating controllable Laguerre-Gaussian laser modes through intracavity spin-orbital angular momentum conversion of light, Phys. Rev. Appl. 11, 014038 (2019).
  6. D. Z. Wei, Y. Wang, D. Liu, Y. Zhu, W. Zhong, X. Fang, Y. Zhang, and M. Xiao, Simple and Nondestructive on-chip detection of optical orbital angular momentum through a single plasmonic nanohole, ACS Photonics 4, 996-1002(2017).
  7. D. Z. Wei, Y. Zhu, W. Zhong, G. Cui, H. Wang, Y. He, Y. Zhang, Y. Q. Lu, and M. Xiao, Directly generating orbital angular momentum in second-harmonic waves with a spirally-poled nonlinear photonic crystal, Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 261104 (2017).
  8. D. Z. Wei, D. Liu, X. Hu, Y. Zhang, and M. Xiao, Superposed second-harmonic Talbot self-image from a PPLT crystal, Laser Phys. Lett. 11, 095402(2014).


  1.  一种偏振连续可调的柱对称矢量光固体激光器(CN201710866097.8);    发明人:魏敦钊,程月,张勇         
  2.  一种输出1064nm可调谐拉盖尔高斯光束的激光器(CN201710791182.2);    发明人:程月,魏敦钊,张勇
  3. 一种宽带拓扑荷可调谐的拉盖尔高斯光参量振荡器(CN202010250148.6);发明人:张勇,魏敦钊,程鹏程,张翼鹏