

职  称: 副教授
学  位: 博士
毕业学校: 中山大学










  1. 单分子/单分子层电子输运行为的结构相关性及可控性研究;
  2. 极性有机分子力电耦合行为研究;
  3. 可延展功能电子器件研发;
  4. 生物细胞/大分子力学及其应用
  1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,11402312,蛋白质电导特性的力学可控性及其机理研究,2015/01-2017/12,28万元,已结题,主持
  2. 广州市科技计划重点项目,201707020002,分子电子输运可控性机理及新型分子电子器件研究,2017/06-2020/04,150万元,在研,参加
  3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,11372361,表面氧压对一维铁电材料畴结构及相关特性影响机理研究,2013/8/15-2017/12/31,86万元,结题,参加
  4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,11602311,超薄铁电聚合物薄膜力电特性理论及实验研究,2016/8/17-2019/12/31。22万元,在研,第一参与人
  5. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,11702335,力学加载下二氧化钒低维结构光电特性研究,2017/8/17-2020/12/31。26万元,在研,第一参与人。




柔性转印(Flexiable transfer)


  1. Liqun Xiong, Yun Chen, Jing Yu, Weiming Xiong, Xiaoyue Zhang*, Yue Zheng . Stretchable ferroelectric field-effect-transistor with multi-level storage capacity and photo-modulated resistance. Applied Physics Letters, 2019, 115(15), 153107
  2. Jing Yu, Yun Chen, Liqun Xiong,  Xiaoyue Zhang* Yue Zheng*. Conductance Changes in Bovine Serum Albumin Caused by Drug-Binding Triggered Structural Transitions. Materials, 2019, 12(7), 1022.
  3. Gelei Jiang, Yun Chen, Ye Ji, Weijin Chen*, Xiaoyue Zhang*, Yue Zheng*. Strong polarity asymmetry and abnormal mechanical electroresistance effect in organic monolayer tunnel junction. ACS Applied Electronic Materials. 2019, 1, 7, 1084-1090.
  4. Yun Chen, Jing Yu, Liqun Xiong, Weiming Xiong, Xiaoyue Zhang*, Yue Zheng*. Stretchable ferroelectric nanoribbon and the mechanical stability of its domain structures. Applied Physics Letters, 2018, 113(6). 062901. 
  5. Xiaoyue Zhang, Jian Shao, Yun Chen, Weijin Chen, Jing Yu, Biao Wang*, Yue Zheng*, The dynamic conductance response and mechanics-modulated memristive behavior of the azurin monolayer under cyclic loads, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2017. 19(9), 6757.
  6. Xiaoyue Zhang, Jian Shao, Shengxiang Jiang, Biao Wang*, Yue Zheng*, Structure-dependent electrical conductivity of protein: its differences between alpha-domain and beta-domain structures, Nanotechnology, 2015. 26(12), 125702.
  7. Xiaoyue Zhang, Yong Zhang, , Yue Zheng, Biao Wang. Mechanical characteristics of human red blood cell membrane change due to C60 nanoparticle infiltration, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2013 15(7).
  8. Xiaoyue Zhang, Yong Zhang, , Yue Zheng, Biao Wang.. Investigating effects of nano-particles infiltration on mechanical properties of cell membrane using atomic force microscopy. Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2012, 55(6), 989-995.
  9. Jing Yu, Jianyi Liu, Weiming Xiong, Xiaoyue Zhang*, Yue Zheng*. Binding interaction of sodium benzoate food additive with bovine serum albumin: multi-spectroscopy and molecular docking studies. BMC chemistry, 2019, 13(1), 95.
  10. Yun Chen, Xiaoyue Zhang*, Jian Shao, Jing Yu, Biao Wang, Yue Zheng, The mechanics-modulated tunneling spectrum and low-pass effect of viscoelastic molecular monolayer, AIP Advances, 2017, 105326-105326.
  11. Jian Shao, Xiaoyue Zhang, Yun Chen, Yue Zheng, Charge carrier transition in an ambipolar single-molecule junction: Its mechanical-modulation and reversibility, npj Computational Materials, 2016, 2, 1
  12. Jian Shao, Xiaoyue Zhang, Biao Wang*, Yue Zheng*, Yun Chen, Length-dependent rectification and negative differential resistance in heterometallic n-alkanedithiol junctions, RSC Advances, 2015, 5(18), 13917-13922
  13. Ying Wang, Weijin Chen, Xiaoyue Zhang, Wenjing Ma, Biao Wang*, Yue Zheng*, Highly reliable bipolar resistive switching in sol-gel derived lanthanum-doped PbTiO3 thin film: Coupling with ferroelectricity?, Acta Mechanica Sinica,  2014, 30(4), 526-532
  14. He Jiang, Gelei Jiang, Weiwei Xing, Weiming Xiong, Xiaoyue Zhang, Biao Wang*, Yue Zheng*. High Current Density and Low Hysteresis Effect of Planar Perovskite Solar Cells via PCBM-doping and Interfacial Improvement. ACS applied materials & interfaces , 2018, 10(35), 29954-29964.
  15. 郑跃,余静,张潇悦,陈云,熊伟明,邵剑,一种基于AFM快速检测药物浓度的方法,CN106546772 A,申请日期:2016.11.01,国家发明专利。