

职  称: 教授
学  位: 博士
毕业学校: University of Bristol, UK
电子邮件: majie6@mail.sysu.edu.cn




2000年本科毕业于清华大学物理系;2003年硕士毕业于清华大学电机与应用电子技术系;2004-2008年在英国布里斯托尔大学化学系从事超高灵敏激光光谱(包括腔衰荡激光光谱和可调谐激光二极管吸收光谱等)和等离子体化学研究,获得博士学位。2008-2009年继续在布里斯托尔大学从事博士后研究。2009-2014年在美国霍华德-休斯医学中心和康奈尔大学物理系作为博士后高级研究助理,从事单分子生物物理研究。期间主要利用先进的角控光镊/光学扳手技术,研究了DNA扭矩对于转录过程的调控,并首次测量出转录过程中的核心分子马达蛋白,即RNA聚合酶 (RNA polymerase),所能产生的最大扭矩 (stall torque),该结果发表于2013年Science期刊上。2014年作为中山大学百人计划二期引进人才来到中山大学理工学院任教。


主要研究方向: 生物光子学和单分子生物物理 (每年可招博士生和硕士生2-3名)。


先后在Science,PNAS,Cell Cycle,Biophysical Journal, eLife,Opt. Express, Nanoscale, J. Phys. Chem. A, J. Appl. Phys等杂志上发表文章多篇,受邀参与翻译书籍一次。

近年学术论文 [*标记通讯作者,#为共同一作]:

19. "Optical trapping and manipulating with a transmissive and polarization-insensitive metalens",  Dongni Yang#, Jianchao Zhang#, Pengshuai Zhang, Haowen Liang*, Jie Ma*, Juntao Li* and Xue-Hua Wang,  Nanophotonics,  (2024):https://doi.org/10.1515/nanoph-2023-0850

18. "Combination of density-clustering and supervised classification for event identification in single-molecule force spectroscopy data", Yongyi Yuan(袁泳怡), Jialun Liang(梁嘉伦)*, Chuang Tan(谭创),Xueying Yang(杨雪滢), Dongni Yang(杨东尼), and Jie Ma(马杰)*,  Chin. Phys. B, 10 (2023):108702 (Selected as Cover)

17. "A Versatile and High-throughput Flow-cell System Combined with Fluorescence Imaging for Simultaneous Single-Molecule Force Measurement and Visualization" , Zhenyu Zou#, Jialun Liang#, Qian Jia, Di Bai, Wei Xie, Wenqiang Wu, Chuang Tan* and Jie Ma*,Nanoscale 15 (2023) 17443-17454

16. "Broadband single-molecule fluorescence enhancement based on self-assembled Ag@Au dimer plasmonic nano-antennas", Yunpeng Lin, Jinyong Hu, Wenbo Zhang,  Li Jiang, Deqi Yi, Thitima Rujiralai and Jie Ma*, Nanoscale 14 (2022) 17550-17560 (Selected as Inside Front Cover).

15. "Single-molecule mechanical unfolding kinetics of unmodified Saccharomyces cerevisiae tRNAPhe: a hint to the tRNA chaperone-tRNA interaction mechanism", Wenzhao Liu, Luyi Feng, Wenpeng Zhu, Zhenyu Zou, Ran Chen, Jie Zhou, Wei Xie, Hu Chen, Zhensheng Zhong*, Jie Ma* (bioRxiv)

14. "Quantifying the force in flow-cell based single-molecule stretching experiments", Jialun Liang, Jiaxi Li, Zhensheng Zhong, Thitima Rujiralai, Jie Ma*, Nanoscale 13 (2021) 15916-15927

13. "Highly sensitive colorimetric sensing of copper( ii ) ions based on "CLICK-17" DNAzyme-catalyzed azide modified gold nanoparticles and alkyne capped dsDNA cycloaddition", Weicong Yan#, Zhensheng Zhong#, Jie Ma*, Thitima Rujiralai*, RSC Advances  11 (2021) 24196-24205

12. "Simple way to correct the drift in surface-coupled optical tweezers using the laser reflection pattern", Wenzhao Liu,  Zhensheng Zhong, Jie Ma*, Opt. Express  29 (2021) 18769-18780

11. "GC-Content Dependence of Elastic and Overstretching Properties of DNA:RNA Hybrid Duplexes", Dongni Yang#, Wenzhao Liu#, Xiangyu Deng, Wei Xie, Hu Chen, Zhensheng Zhong*, Jie Ma*, Biophys. J. 119 (2020) 852-861

10. "Fluorescence enhancement in an over-etched gold zero-mode waveguide", Meiyan Wu, Wenzhao Liu, Jinyong Hu, Zhensheng Zhong, Thitima Rujiralai, Lidan Zhou, Xinlun Cai, and Jie Ma*, Opt. Express  27 (2019) 19002-19018

9. "Theoretical study of overstretching DNA-RNA hybrid duplex", Dong-Ni Yang(杨东尼), Zhen-Sheng Zhong(钟振声), Wen-Zhao Liu(刘文钊), Thitima Rujiralai, Jie Ma(马杰)*, Chin. Phys. B, 28 (2019):068701

8. "Transcription factor regulation of RNA polymerase's torque generation capacity", J. Ma#*, C. Tan#, X. Gao, R. M. Fulbright, J. W. Roberts, and M. D. Wang*, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 116 (2019) 2583-2588

7. "Single-molecule angular optical trapping for studying transcription under torsion", Ma, J., Tan, C., and Wang, M.D.*, Methods in Molecular Biology 1805, 301-332. (2018) (Springer)

6.“Combining gold nanoparticle antennas with single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (smFRET) to study DNA hairpin dynamics”, JY Hu, MY Wu,L. Jiang,ZS Zhong,ZK.Zhou, T. Rujiralai and J. Ma*, Nanoscale, 10, (2018) 6611

5.“DNA supercoiling during transcription”, J. Ma*, M. D. Wang*, Biophys Rev. (2016) 8 (Suppl 1):S75–S87

4.“Interplay between DNA supercoiling and transcription elongation”, J. Ma, M. D. Wang*, Transcription 5, (2014) e28636.

3.“RNA polymerase is a powerful torsional motor”, J. Ma, M. D. Wang*, Cell Cycle, 13, (2014) 337

2.“On the move”, R.A. Forties, J. Ma, and M. D. Wang*, eLife, 2, (2013) e01414.

1.“Transcription under torsion”, J. Ma, L. Bai, M. D. Wang*, Science, 340, (2013) 1580