

职  称: 教授
学  位: 博士
毕业学校: 波士顿大学
联系电话: 020-8411-3269
电子邮件: wangw223@mail.sysu.edu.cn


  • 2014-现在,物理学院教授,中山大学
  • 2011-2014,物理系研究员,大亚湾反应堆中微子实验,PROSPECT实验,College of Wiliam and Mary
  • 2011-2012,Kellog实验室访问学者,大亚湾反应堆中微子实验,加州理工学院
  • 2007-2011,物理系博士后,大亚湾反应堆中微子实验,威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校
  • 2001-2007,物理系博士生,超级神冈中微子实验和K2K长基线中微子实验,波士顿大学
  • 1999-2001,物理系硕士生,波士顿大学
  • 1995-1998,物理系硕士生,哈尔滨工业大学
  • 1991-1995,九系(金属材料及工艺系)本科生,哈尔滨工业大学


  • 高能物理实验设计
  • 高能物理实验模拟技术
  • 高能物理实验物理分析
  • 应用统计学、数值分析与数据挖掘技术
  • Fundamental Breakthrough Prize 2015 (via Daya Bay Collaboration)
  • Fundamental Breakthrough Prize 2015 (via K2K Collaboration)
  • Goldharber Prize 2001, Boston University
  • 1996年哈尔滨工业大学首届海王奖
  • 1995年世界大学生数学建模竞赛一等奖
  • 江门地下中微子实验PMT instrumentation系统二级负责人
  • 江门地下中微子实验PMT instrumentation系统二级负责人
  • 大亚湾反应堆中微子实验物理分析委员会委员
  • 中国科学院高能物理所前沿卓越创新中心核心骨干成员
  • Visiting scholar of College of William and Mary
  1. Statistical evaluation of experimental determinations of neutrino mass hierarchy, PRD86, 113011, X. Qian*, A. Tan*, W. Wang*, J.J. Ling, R.D. McKeown, C. Zhang
  2. Mass hierarchy resolution in reactor anti-neutrino experiments: Parameter degeneracies and detector energy response, PRD87, 033005, X. Qian*, D.A. Dwyer, R.D. McKeown, P. Vogel, W. Wang, C. Zhang
  3. Neutrino mass hierarchy determination and other physics potential of medium-baseline reactor neutrino oscillation experiments, Snowmass 2013, A.B. Balantekin, H. Band, R. Betts, J.J. Cherwinka, J.A. Detwiler, S. Dye, K.M. Heeger, R. Johnson, S.H. Kettell, K. Lau, J.G. Learned, C.J. Lin, J.J. Ling, B. Littlejohn, D.W. Liu, K.B. Luk, J. Maricic, K. McDonald, R.D. McKeown, J. Napolitano, J.C. Peng, X. Qian, N. Tolich, W. Wang*, C. White, M. Yeh, C. Zhang, T. Zhao
  4. Observation of electron-antineutrino disappearance at Daya Bay, PRL108, 171803, Daya Bay Collaboration
  5. Spectral measurement of electron antineutrino oscillation amplitude and frequency at Daya Bay, PRL112, 061801, Daya Bay collaboration
  6. Search for a Light Sterile Neutrino at Daya Bay, PRL2014, arXiv:1407.7259, Daya Bay collaboration
  7. Evidence for an oscillatory signature in atmospheric neutrino oscillation, PRL93, 101801, Super-K collaboration
  8. A Measurement of atmospheric neutrino oscillation parameters by SUPER-KAMIOKANDE I, PRD71, 112005, Super-K collaboration
  9. Atmospheric neutrino oscillation analysis with sub-leading effects in Super-Kamiokande I, II, and III, PRD81, 092004, Super-K collaboration
  10. An Improved search for nu(mu) ---> nu(e) oscillation in a long-baseline accelerator experiment, PRL
  11. Improved measurement of electron antineutrino disappearance at Daya Bay, CPC37, 011001, Daya Bay collaboration
  12. A side-by-side comparison of Daya Bay antineutrino detectors, NIM, A685, P78-97, Daya Bay collaboration
  13. The hunt for θ13 at the Daya Bay nuclear power plant, AIP Conference proceedings, V1222, W. Wang* for Daya Bay collaboration
  14. Automated Calibration System for a High-Precision Measurement of Neutrino Mixing Angle θ13 with the Daya Bay Antineutrino Detectors, NIM A750,19-37, J. Liu*, B. Cai, R. Carr, D. A. Dwyer, W. Q. Gu, G. S. Li, X. Qian, R. D. McKeown, R. H. M. Tsang, W. Wang, F. F. Wu, C. Zhang
  15. Assembly and Installation of the Daya Bay Antineutrino Detectors, JINST 8 T11006, H.R. Band et. al.