

职  称: 副教授
学  位: 博士
毕业学校: 复旦大学



2020.11-至今          中山大学物理学院   “百人计划”副教授、博导

2016.09-2020.10    美国加州大学Irvine分校(合作导师:Prof. Ruqian Wu)   Postdoctoral Fellow


2011.09-2016.07    复旦大学物理系(导师:龚新高院士)  理论物理   博士 





招生:独立招收凝聚态物理(理论)、理论物理(研究方向是凝聚态理论物理)二个学科方向的研究生!欢迎本科生参与相关课题的科研训练, 欢迎保送或报考研究生!目前招收磁性和机器学习相关的博士后1-2名!请直接通过邮箱houysh@mail.sysu.edu.cn与本人联系!


国家重点研发计划,2024年11月 -- 2029年10月,项目骨干,在研,负责经费104万

国家自然科学基金面上项目,2025年01月01日 -- 2028年12月31日,主持,在研

国家重点研发计划,2022年11月 -- 2027年10月,项目骨干,在研,负责经费99万

国家自然科学基金重大研究计划,2022年01月 -- 2025年12月,项目骨干,在研

中山大学高校基本科研业务费,2024年08月 -- 2024年11月,主持,结题

国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,2022年01月 -- 2024年12月,主持,结题

广东省自然科学基金面上项目,2022年01月 -- 2024年12月,主持,结题

广州市基础与应用基础研究项目,2022年04月 -- 2024年03月,主持,结题

中山大学百人计划启动经费,2021年01月 -- 2023年12月,主持,结题

中山大学高校基本科研业务费,2022年05月 -- 2022年10月,参与,结题

广东省磁电物性分析与器件重点实验室开放基金重点项目,2022年10月 -- 2024年09月,参与,结题


2024年 国家超级计算广州中心“天河之星”优秀应用入围奖

2023年 国家超级计算广州中心“天河之星”优秀应用入围奖

2023年 中山大学第十一届教师教学竞赛理科组 二等奖

2023年 第八届“高等教育杯”全国高等学校物理基础课程青年教师讲课比赛广东赛区 二等奖

2023年 中山大学物理学院、理学院教师授课竞赛 一等奖

2022年 中山大学物理学院芙兰优秀教师 科研奖

2016 年 复旦大学优秀毕业生 
2015 年 BEST POSTER AWARD at The 5th International Workshop on Quantum Energy
2014 年 复旦大学博士生优秀学业奖学金(优秀奖) 
2013 年 复旦大学博士生优秀学生奖学金(一等奖)


担任 《Nano Letters》、《Advanced Funcational Materials》、《Small》、《ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces》、《Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics》等SCI国际期刊审稿人



Year 2024

60. Xu Yang#, Jia-Wan Li#, Yan Li, Liang Qiu, Hao-pu Xue, Jin Tang, Hai-feng Du, Rui Sun, Qing-lin Yang, Jia-nan Liu, Xiang–Qun Zhang, Wei He, Yusheng Hou* and Zhao-hua Cheng*, “Manipulating Magnetic Damping of Fe/GeTe Heterostructures by Band Engineering”, Advanced Science 2411798 (2024)

59. Bin Wang#, X. F. Huang#, Detong Wu, Huakun Zuo*, Meng Wang, Yusheng Hou*, Bing Shen*, “Unveiling the nontrivial electronic structures and Fermi topology of high-temperature kagome antiferromagnet”,  Nano Lett. 24, 16031 (2024)

58. Ziqin Yue#, Jianwei Huang*,#, Ruohan Wang#, Jia-Wan Li, Hongtao Rong, Yucheng Guo, Han Wu, Yichen Zhang, Junichiro Kono, Xingjiang Zhou, Yusheng Hou, Ruqian Wu, Ming Yi*, “Topological Surface State Evolution in Bi2Se3 via Surface Etching”, Nano Lett. 24, 12413 (2024)

57. Shi-Bo Zhao, Xiang-Fan Huang, Ze-quan Wang, Ruqian Wu, and Yusheng Hou*, “Thickness dependent anisotropic Gilbert damping in heterostructures of ferromagnets and two-dimensional ferroelectric bismuth monolayer”, Phys. Rev. B 110, 094435 (2024)

56. P. Li, J. Zhang, D. Zhu, C.-Q. C., E. Yi, B. Shen, Yusheng Hou, Z. Yan, D.-X. Yao, Donghui Guo, and Dingyong Zhong*, “Observation of in-gap states in a two-dimensional CrI2/NbSe2 heterostructure”, Nano Lett. 24, 9468 (2024)

55. Xiang-Fan Huang, Kang-Jie Li, Zequan Wang, Shi-Bo Zhao, Bing Shen, Zu-xin Chen, Yusheng Hou*, “Above room-temperature two-dimensional ferromagnetic half-metal in Mn-based Janus magnets”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 252402 (2024)

54. Kang-Jie Li, Zequan Wang, Zu-Xin Chen*, Yusheng Hou*, “Tunable magnetic anisotropy, Curie temperature and band alignment of two-dimensional ferromagnet VSiSnN4 via non-volatile ferroelectrical control”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 212405 (2024)

53. Ze-quan Wang, Feng Xue, Liang Qiu, Zhe Wang, Ruqian Wu, Yusheng Hou*, “Switching intrinsic magnetic skyrmions with controllable magnetic anisotropy in van der Waals multiferroic heterostructures”, Nano Lett. 24, 4117 (2024) (selected as Supplementary Cover paper)

52. Wenbin Wu#, Zeping Shi#, Mykhaylo Ozerov, Yuhan Du, Yuxiang Wang, Xiao-Sheng Ni, Xianghao Meng, Xiangyu Jiang, Guangyi Wang, Congming Hao, Xinyi Wang, Pengcheng Zhang, Chunhui Pan, Haifeng Pan, Zhenrong Sun, Run Yang, Yang Xu, Yusheng Hou, Zhongbo Yan, Cheng Zhang, Hai-Zhou Lu, Junhao Chu, Xiang Yuan, “The discovery of three-dimensional Van Hove singularity”, Nat. Commun. 15, 2313 (2024)

51. Feng Xue, Yusheng Hou, Zhe Wang, Zhiming Xu, Ke He, Ruqain Wu, Yong Xu*, Wenhui Duan*, “Tunable Quantum Anomalous Hall Effects in Ferromagnetic van der Waals Heterostructures”, Natl. Sci. Rev. 11, nwad151 (2024)


Year 2023

50. Xu Yang, Liang Qiu, Yang Li*, Hao-pu Xue, Jia-nan Liu, Rui Sun, Qing-lin Yang, Xue-song Gai, Yan-sheng Wei, Andrew Comstock, Dali Sun, Xiang-qun Zhang, Wei He, Yusheng Hou*, and Zhao-hua Cheng*, “Anisotropic nonlocal damping in ferromagnet/α-GeTe bilayers enabled by splitting energy bands”,  Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 186703 (2023) [Editors' Suggestion]

49. Haiyan Zhu, Yifan Gao, Yusheng Hou, Zhigang Gui*, and Li Huang*, “Insight into strain and electronic correlation dependent magnetism in monolayer 1T-CrTe2”, Phys. Rev. B 108, 144404 (2023)

48. Hualei Sun, Liang Qiu, Yifeng Han, Enkui Yi, Junlong Li, Ms Mengwu Huo, Chaoxin Huang, Hui Liu, Manrong Li, Weiliang Wang, Dao-Xin Yao, Benjamin Frandsen, Bing Shen*, Yusheng Hou*,Meng Wang*, “Coexistence of zigzag antiferromagnetic order and superconductivity in compressed NiPSe3”, Materials Today Physics 36, 101188 (2023)

47. Lingyong Zeng#, Zequan Wang#, Jing Song#, Gaoting Lin, Ruixin Guo, Si-Chun Luo, Shu Guo, Kuan Li, Peifei Yu, Chao Zhang, Wei-Ming Guo, Jie Ma, Yusheng Hou*, Huixia Luo* “Discovery of the high-entropy carbide ceramic topological superconductor candidate (Ti0.2Zr0.2Nb0.2Hf0.2Ta0.2)C”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2301929 (2023)

46. Xiao-Sheng Ni#, Yue-Yu Zhang#, Dao-Xin Yao*, and Yusheng Hou*, “Room-temperature antiferromagnetic CrSe monolayer with tunable metal-insulator transition in ferroelectric heterostructures”,  Appl. Phys. Lett. 122, 172406 (2023)

45. Liang Qiu, Zequan Wang, Xiao-Sheng Ni, Dao-Xin Yao and Yusheng Hou*, "Electrically tunable Gilbert damping in van der Waals heterostructures of two-dimensional ferromagnetic metals and ferroelectrics",  Appl. Phys. Lett. 122, 102402  (2023)

44. Hualei Sun, Liang Qiu, Yifeng Han, Yunwei Zhang, Weiliang Wang, Chaoxin Huang, Naitian Liu, Mengwu Huo, Lisi Li, Hui Liu, Zengjia Liu, Man-Rong Li, Dao-Xin Yao, Yusheng Hou, Pengcheng Dai, Meng Wang*, “Exchange field enhanced upper critical field of the superconductivity in compressed antiferromagnetic EuTe2",  Communications Physics 6, 40 (2023)

43. Qingyun Zhou*, Xingyuan Chen, Xiangfu Xu, Yusheng Hou, Tianshu Lai* and Daoxin Yao*, “Electronic properties of graphene/CdX (X=S, Se, and Te) semiconductor heterostructure and a proposal of all-optical injection and detection of electron spins in graphene”, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 146, 115559 (2023)

42. Qingyun Zhou, Yusheng Hou*, and Tianshu Lai*, “Electronic properties and tunability in graphene/3D-InP mixed-dimensional van der Waals heterostructure”, Frontiers of Physics 18, 23301 (2023)


Year 2022

41. Haiyan Zhu, Yifan Gao, Yusheng Hou, Zhigang Gui*, and Li Huang*, “Tunable Magnetic Anisotropy in Two-Dimensional CrX3/AlN (X = I, Br, Cl) Heterostructures”, Phys. Rev. B 106, 134412 (2022).

40.  Cui-Qun Chen, Xiao-Sheng Ni, Dao-Xin Yao* and Yusheng Hou*, “Chern insulators and high Curie temperature Dirac half-metal in two-dimensional metal-organic frameworks”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 121, 142401 (2022) [Featured Article]

39.  Xuhan Zhou, Han Zhu, Zizhao Liu, Peigen Li, Y. S. Hou*, Donghui Guo*, Dingyong Zhong*, “Epitaxial growth and electronic properties of antiferromagnetic insulator VI2 Monolayer”, Nanoscale 14, 10559 (2022).

38.  Yusheng Hou*,#, Feng Xue#, Liang Qiu, Zhe Wang, and R. Q. Wu*, “Multifunctional Two-dimensional van der Waals Janus Magnet Cr-based Dichalcogenide Halides”, Npj Comput. Mater. 8, 120 (2022).

37.  Chengxi Huang, Jian Zhou, Huasheng Sun, Fang Wu, Yusheng Hou*, and Erjun Kan*, “Toward Room-temperature Electrical Control of Magnetic Order in Multiferroic van der Waals Materials”, Nano Letters 22, 5191 (2022). (selected as ACS Editors’ Choice paper)

36.  Xiao-Sheng Ni, Cui-Qun Chen, Dao-Xin Yao* and Yusheng Hou*, “Origin of the Type-II Weyl state in topological antiferromagnetic YbMnBi2”, Phys. Rev. B 105, 134406 (2022).


Year 2021

35.  Y. S. Hou, S. Ardo, and R. Q. Wu, “Hybrid density functional study of band gap engineering of SrTiO3 photocatalyst via doping for water splitting”, Phys. Rev. Materials 5, 065801 (2021).

34.  Y. S. Hou, R. Q. Wu, “Alloying vanadium in MnBi2Te4 for robust ferromagnetic coupling and quantum anomalous Hall effect”, Phys. Rev. B 103, 064412 (2021).

33.  Hualei Sun, Cuiqun Chen, Yusheng Hou, Weiliang Wang, Yu Gong, Mengwu Huo, Lisi Li, Jia Yu, Wanping Cai, Naitian Liu, Ruqian Wu, Dao-Xin Yao, Meng Wang*, “Magnetism variation of the compressed antiferromagnetic topological insulator EuSn2As2”, Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 64, 118211 (2021).

32.  Yipeng An, Kun Wang, Shijing Gong, Y. S. Hou, Chunlan Ma, Mingfu Zhu, Chuanxi Zhao, Tianxing Wang, Shuhong Ma, Heyan Wang, Ruqian Wu and Wuming Liu, “Nanodevices engineering and spin transport properties of MnBi2Te4 monolayer”, Npj Comput. Mater.​ 7, 45 (2021).

31.  B. H. Zhang, Y. S. Hou, Z. Wang, and R. Q. Wu, “Tuning Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions in magnetic bilayers with a ferroelectric substrate”, Phys. Rev. B 103, 054417 (2021).


Year 2020

30.  Y. S. Hou, J. W. Kim, R. Q. Wu, “Axion Insulator State in Ferromagnetically Ordered CrI3/Bi2Se3/MnBi2Se4 Heterostructure”, Phys. Rev. B: Rapid Communications 101, 121401(R) (2020).

29.  Yipeng An, Y. S. Hou, Kun Wang, Shijing Gong, Chunlan Ma, Chuanxi Zhao, Tianxing Wang, Zhaoyong Jiao, Heyan Wang, Ruqian Wu, “Multifunctional Lateral Transition-Metal Disulfides Heterojunctions”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 30, 2002939 (2020).

28.  Mei Fang, Yanmei Wang, Hui Wang, Y. S. Hou, Eric Vetter, Yunfang Kou, Wenting Yang , Lifeng Yin, Zhu Xiao, Zhou Li, Lu Jiang, Ho Nyung Lee, Shufeng Zhang, Ruqian Wu, Xiaoshan Xu, Dali Sun, and Jian Shen, “Tuning the Interfacial Spin-orbit Coupling with Ferroelectricity”, Nature Communication 11, 2627 (2020).

27.  Feng Xue, Zhe Wang, Y. S. Hou, Lei Gu, Ruqian Wu, “Control magnetic properties of MnBi2Te4 with a van der Waals ferroelectric III2-VI3 film and biaxial strain”, Phys. Rev. B 101, 184426 (2020).

26.  Yipeng An, Y. S. Hou, Shijing Gong, Ruqian Wu, Chuanxi Zhao, Tianxing Wang, Zhaoyong Jiao, Heyan Wang, and Wuming Liu, “Evaluating the Exfoliation of Two-dimensional Materials with a Green’s Function Surface Model”, Phys. Rev. B 101, 075416 (2020).


Year 2019

25.  Y. S. Hou, J. Kim, R. Q. Wu, “Magnetizing topological surface states of Bi2Se3 with a CrI3 monolayer”, Science Advances 5, eaaw1874 (2019).

24.  Y. S. Hou, R. Q. Wu, “Strongly Enhanced Gilbert Damping in 3d Transition Metal Ferromagnet Monolayers in Contact with Topological Insulator Bi2Se3”, Phys. Rev. Applied. 11, 054032 (2019).

23.  Y. S. Hou, R. Q. Wu, “Axion Insulator States in Ferromagnet/Topological Insulator/Antiferromagnet Heterostructure”, Nano Letters 19, 2472 (2019).

22.  B. H. Zhang, Y. S. Hou, and R. Q. Wu, “First-principles studies of spin-phonon coupling in monolayer Cr2Ge2Te6”, Phys. Rev. B 100, 224427 (2019).

21.  Feng Xue, Y. S. Hou, Zhe Wang, Ruqian Wu, “Two-dimensional Ferromagnetic van der Waals CrCl3 Monolayers with Enhanced Anisotropy and Curie Temperature”, Phys. Rev. B 100, 224429. (2019).

20.  Yipeng An, Shijing Gong, Y. S. Hou, Jie Li, Ruqian Wu, Zhaoyong Jiao, Tianxing Wang, and Jutao Jiao, “MoB2: a new multifunctional transition metal diboride monolayer”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 32, 055503 (2019).

19.  W. Gao, C. Addiego, H Wang, X. Yan, Y. S. Hou, D. Ji, Y. Zhang, L. Li, H. Huyan, T. Blum, Y. Nie, D. Schlom, R. Q. Wu, X. Q. Pan, “Real-space charge-density imaging with sub-ångström resolution by four-dimensional electron microscopy”, Nature 575, 480 (2019).

18.  S. J. Xu, J. Y. Shi, Y. S. Hou, Z. Zheng, H. B. Zhao, R. Q. Wu, S. M. Zhou, and W. J. Fan, “Tuning of the intrinsic magnetic damping parameter in epitaxial CoNi(001) films: Role of the band-filling effect”, Phys. Rev. B 100, 024403 (2019).

17.  Y. P. An, Y. S. Hou, Hui Wang, Jie Li, Ruqian Wu, Tianxing Wang, Haixia Da, and Jutao Jiao, “Unveiling the Electric-current-limiting and Photodetection Effect in Two-dimensional Hydrogenated Borophene”, Phys. Rev. Applied. 11, 064031 (2019).

16.  Y. P. An, Y. S. Hou, Hui Wang, Jie Li, Ruqian Wu, Chengyan Liu, Tianxing Wang and Jutao Jiao, “Multifunctional 2D CuSe monolayer nanodevice”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 31, 355301 (2019).   

15.  Mark Lohmann, Tang Su, Ben Niu, Y. S. Hou, Mohammed Alghamdi, Mohammed Aldosary, Wenyu Xing, Jiangnan Zhong, Shuang Jia, Wei Han, Ruqian Wu, Yongtao Cui, and Jing Shi, “Probing magnetism in Cr2Ge2Te6 by induced anomalous Hall effect in Pt”, Nano Letters 19, 2397 (2019).

14.  Y. An, J. Jiao, Y. S. Hou, H. Wang, C. Liu, D. Wu, T. Wang, K. Wang, and R. Q. Wu, “Negative differential conductance effect and electrical anisotropy of 2D ZrB2 monolayers”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 31, 065301 (2019).


Year 2018

13.  Y. S. Hou, J. H. Yang, H. J. Xiang*, and X. G. Gong*, “First-principles Study on the Magnetic Interactions in Honeycomb Na2IrO3”, Phys. Rev. B 98, 094401 (2018).

12.  Wenpei Gao, Y. S. Hou, Zachary D. Hood, Xue Wang, Younan Xia, Ruqian Wu, Xiaoqing Pan, Miaofang Chi, “Direct in situ observation of the synthesis of nanoparticles with high-index facets”, Nano Letters 18, 7004 (2018) [ACS Editors' Choice].

11.  J. Kim, Y. S. Hou, Noejung Park, and Ruqian Wu, “Zero Hall conductivity and its electronic origin in Cr-doped topological insulator”, Phys. Rev. B : Rapid Communications 98, 081117(R) (2018).

10.  Y. An, J. Jiao, Y. S. Hou, Hui Wang, Dapeng Wu, Tianxing Wang, Zhaoming Fu, and Ruqian Wu, “How does the current propagate through the fully-hydrogenated borophene?”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20, 21552 (2018).


Year 2017

09.  Y. S. Hou, H. J. Xiang, X. G. Gong, “Unveiling Magnetic Interactions of Ruthenium Trichloride via Constraining Direction of Orbital moments: Potential Routes to Realize Quantum Spin Liquid”, Phys. Rev. B 96, 054410 (2017).

08.  S. Dai, Y. S. Hou, M. Onoue, S. Zhang, W. Gao, X. Yan, G. W. Graham, R. Wu, X. Q. Pan, “Revealing Surface Elemental Composition and Dynamic Processes Involved in Facet-Dependent Oxidation of Pt3Co Nanoparticles via in Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy”, Nano Letters 17, 4683 (2017).


Years 2013 - 2016

07.  Y. S. Hou, H. J. Xiang, and X. G. Gong, “Unveiling the Basal-plane Antiferromagnetism in the Jeff=1/2 Mott Insulator Ba2IrO4: A Density Functional and Model Hamiltonian Study”, New J. Phys. 18 043007 (2016).

06.  C. Y. Liu, Y. Y. Zhang, Y. S. Hou, S. Y. Chen, H. J. Xiang, and X. G Gong, “Self-passivation rule and structure of CdTe Σ3(112) grain boundaries”, Phys. Rev. B 93, 205426 (2016).

05.  H. F. Zhu, H. Y. Cao, Y. Xie, Y. S. Hou, S. Y. Chen, H. J. Xiang, and X. G. Gong, “Giant biquadratic interaction induced magnetic anisotropy in the iron-based superconductor AxFe2-ySe2”, Phys. Rev. B 93, 024511 (2016).

04.  K. Liu, Y. S. Hou, X. G. Gong and H. J. Xiang, “Orbital Delocalization and Enhancement of Magnetic Interactions in Perovskite Oxyhydrides”, Sci. Rep. 6, 19653 (2016).

03.  Y. S. Hou, H. J. Xiang and X. G. Gong, “Lattice-distortion Induced Magnetic Transition from Low-temperature Antiferromagnetism to High-temperature Ferrimagnetism in Double Perovskites A2FeOsO6 (A = Ca, Sr)”, Sci. Rep. 5, 13159 (2015).  

02.  Y. S. Hou, H. J. Xiang, and X. G. Gong, “Intrinsic insulating ferromagnetism in manganese oxide thin films”, Phys. Rev. B 89, 064415 (2014).

01.  Y. S. Hou, J. H. Yang, X. G. Gong, and H. J. Xiang, “Prediction of a multiferroic state with large electric polarization in tensile-strained TbMnO3”, Phys. Rev. B: Rapid Communications 88, 060406(R) (2013).