职 称: 教授
学 位: 博士
毕业学校: 武汉大学
联系电话: 020-84113723
电子邮件: zhouzhk@mail.sysu.edu.cn
周张凯教授(博士和硕士生导师)长期从事微纳光场操控和微纳光电子器件研究,主讲课程包括固体物理,信号与系统,非线性光学等,现任中山大学理学部办公室主任。周张凯教授在微纳光学领域发表SCI论文80余篇,授权专利8项(包括美国专利1项),论文引用3000余次。以周张凯教授为第一作者或者通讯作者发表SCI论文40余篇,论文发表杂志包括Light-Sci. Appl., Phys. Rev. Lett., Nat. Comm., Nano Lett., ACS Nano, Adv. Funct. Mater., Small等,他主要的研究方向包括:
1. 2024年:中国激光杂志社第三届青年编委会“优秀青年编委”
2. 2023年:中山大学优秀共产党员;中山大学教学成果奖二等奖(第二完成人);物理学院“芙兰”优秀教师科研奖
3. 2022年:国家自然科学基金委优秀青年科学基金获得者
4. 2021年:中山大学教学成果奖二等奖(第一完成人);中山大学优秀硕士学位论文指导教师;物理学院“芙兰”优秀教师科研奖
5. 2018年:"广东特支计划"科技创新青年拔尖人才
6. 2017年:广东省杰出青年基金获得者;入选广州市珠江科技新星;中山大学青年教师授课大赛二等奖;物理学院“芙兰”优秀教师教学奖
7. 2016年:广东省第六届大学生材料创新大赛,优秀指导老师
8. 2015年:理工学院“芙兰”优秀教师教学奖
9. 2012年:湖北省优秀博士学位论文;广东省第十三届大学生物理实验设计大赛一等奖指导老师
《Photonics Research》青年编委(Assistant Editor)
代表性论文(*表示通讯作者, #表示共同第一作者):
70. Z. Shi, H. Zhang, Z. K. Zhou*, "Strong light-matter coupling between exctions and chiral quasi-bound states in the continuum in van der Waals metasurfaces", Chin. Opt. Lett. 22, 103602 (2024).
69. P. Xie#, Y. Deng#, Q. Ding#, X. Zheng, Z. K. Zhou*, Y. Kivshar*, W. Wang*, "Strong coupling of resonant metasurfaces with Epsilon-near-zero guided modes", Nano Lett. 24, 9027 (2024).
68. Y. Deng, Z. Shi, Y. Zheng, H. Zhang, H. Li, S. Li, Z. K. Zhou*, "Highly efficient ultraviolet third-harmonic generation in an isolated thin Si meta-structure", Adv. Sci. 11, 2404094 (2024).
67. Y. H. Deng, Y. W. Lu, H. J. Zhang, Z. H. Shi, Z. K. Zhou*, X. H. Wang, "Strong light-matter interactions based on excitons and the abnormal all-dielectric anapole mode with both large field enhancement and low loss", Photon. Res. 12, 854 (2024).
66. G. He, Y. Zheng, C. Zhou, S. Li, Z. Shi, Y. Deng, Z. K. Zhou*, "Multiplexed manipulation of orbital angular momentum and wavelength in metasurfaces based on arbitray complex-amplititude control", Light-Sci. Appl. 13, 98 (2024).
65. J. Li#, W. Liu#, H. Xu#, Z. Huang, J. Wang, J. Wen, J. Yang, J. Guan, S. Wang, A. Alù, Z. K. Zhou*, S. Chen*, L. Chen*, "A RGB-achromatic aplanatic metalens", Laser & Photon. Rev. 18, 2300729 (2024)
64. Z. Huang#, Y. Zheng#, J. Li, Y. Cheng, J. Wang, Z. K. Zhou*, L. Chen*, "High-resolution metalens imaging polarimetry", Nano Lett. 23, 10991 (2023). ESI high-cited and hot paper.
63. S. Qiu, H. Zhang, Z. Shi, H. Li, Z. K. Zhou*, "Ultrasensitive refractive index sensing based on hybrid high-Q metasurfaces", J. Phys. Chem. C 127, 8263 (2023).
62. Y. Zheng, Y. Deng, Z. Shi, Y. Fan, Z. Wang, D. Lei, Z. K. Zhou*, X. H. Wang, "Enriching metasurface functionalities by fully employing the inter-meta-atom degrees of freedom for double-key-secured encryption", Adv. Mater. Technol. 8, 2201468 (2023). Front cover story.
61. Y. Intaravanne, R. Wang, H. Ahmed, Y. Ming, Y. Zheng, Z. K. Zhou, Z. Li, S. Chen, S. Zhang*, X. Chen*, “Color-selective three-dimensional polarization structures”, Light-Sci. Appl. 11, 302 (2022).
60. P. Xie#, Y. Deng#, L. Zeng, Z. Liang, S. Shen, Q.i Ding, H. Zhang, Z. K. Zhou, Wei Wang*, "Tunable interactions of quasibound states in the continuum with cavity mode in a metasurface-microcavity hybrid", Phy. Rev. B 106, 165408 (2022).
59. Z. Chen#, Z. Shi#, W. Zhang, Z. Li, Z. K. Zhou*, "High efficiency and large optical anistropy in the high-order nonlinear processes of 2D perovskite nanosheets", Nanophotonics 11, 1379 (2022).
58. Q. Zhao, W. J. Zhou, Y. H. Deng, Y. Q. Zheng, Z. H. Shi, L. K. Ang, Z. K. Zhou*, Lin Wu*, "Plexcitonic storng coupling: unique features, applications, and challenges", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 55, 203002 (2022).
57. W. Zhang, J. B. You, J. Liu, X. Xiong, Z. Li, C. E. Png, L. Wu*, C. W. Qiu*, Z. K. Zhou*, "Steering room-temperature plexcitonic strong coupling: a diexcitonic perspective", Nano Lett. 21, 8979 (2021). Front cover story.
56. Z. K. Zhou, H. F. Xu, Y. Yu, L. Lin, X. H. Wang*, "Giant nonlinear response of monolayer MoS2 induced by optimal field-enhancement gain mode on the surface of hyerbolic metamaterials", Laser & Photon. Rev. 15, 2100281 (2021).
55. L. Lin#, J. Xue#, H. Xu, Q. Zhao, Y. Zheng, L. Wu, Z. K. Zhou*. "Integrating lattice and gap plasmonic modes to build dual-mode metasurfaces for enhancing light-matter interaction", Sci. China. Mater. 64, 3007 (2021).
54. J. B. You, X. Xiong, P. Bai, Z. K. Zhou, W. L. Yang, C. E. Png, L. C. Kwek, L. Wu, "Suppressing decoherent inquantum plasmonic systems by the spectral-hold-buring effect", Phys. Rev. A 104, 019901 (2021).
53. C. Guo, J. B. You, Z. Chen, W. Zhang, Q. Zhao, Z. K. Zhou*, "Light-matter interaction in the coupling system of quantum emitter and hyperbolic nanorod", Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 224002 (2021).
52. H. Xu, Z. Zhu, J. Xue, Q. Zhan, Z. K. Zhou*, X. H.Wang*, "Giant enhancements of high-order upconversion luminescence enabled by multi-resonant hyperbolic metamaterials", Photon. Res. 9, 395 (2021).
51. L. Zhang, Q. Fu, Y. Tan, X. Li, Y. Deng, Z. K. Zhou*, B. Zhou, H. Xia, H. Chen, C. W. Qiu*, J. Zhou*, "Metaoptronic multiplexed interface for probing bioentiy behaviors", Nano Lett. 21, 2681 (2021). Cover series story.
50. J. B. You, X. Xiong, P. Bai, Z. K. Zhou, R. M. Ma, W. L. Yang, Y. K. Lu, Y. F. Xiao, C. E. Png, F. J. Garcia-Vidal*, C. W. Qiu* and L. Wu*, "Reconfigurable photon sources based on quantum plexcitonic systems", Nano Lett. 20, 4645 (2020).
49. J. Xue, L. Lin, Z. K. Zhou*, X. H. Wang, "Semi-ellipsoid nanoarray for angle-independent plasmonic color printing", Chin. Phys. Lett. 37, 114201 (2020).
48. X. Xiong*, J. B. You, P. Bai, C. E. Png, Z. K. Zhou*, L. Wu*, "Ultrastrong coupling in single plexcitonic nanocubes", Nanophotonics 9, 257 (2020).
47. Z. Fang, H. Xu, Y. Zheng, Y. Chen and Z. K. Zhou*, "Multiplexed Metasurfaces for High-Capacity Printing Imaging", Chin. Phys. Lett. 37, 077801 (2020).
46. Y. Bao, Q. Lin, R. Su, Z. K. Zhou, J. Song, J. Li*, X. H. Wang*, "On-demand spin-state manipulation of single-photon emission from quantum dot integrated with metasurface", Sci. Adv. 6, eaba8761 (2020).
45. Z. Liao#, H. Xu#, W. Zhao*, H. Yang, J. Zhong, H. Zhang, Z. Nie, Z. K. Zhou*, "Energy transfer from Mn4+ to Mn5+ and near infrared emission with wide excitation band in Ca14Zn6Ga10O35:Mn phosphors", Chem. Eng. J. 395, 125060 (2020).
44. Z. K. Zhou#, J. Liu#, Y. Bao, L. Wu, C. E. Png, X. H. Wang*, C. W. Qiu*, "Quantum plasmonics get applied", Prog. Quant. Electron. 65, 1 (2019).
43. Y. Yu#, X. Zhang#, Z. K. Zhou#, Z. Zhang, Y. Bao, H. Xu, L. Lin, Y. Zhang*, X. Wang*, "Microscopic pump-probe optical technique to characterize the defect of monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides", Photonics Res. 7, 711 (2019).
42. Y. Yu, Y. Bao, L. Lin, H. Xu, R. Liu, Z. Zhou*, "Large third-order optical nonlinearity and ultrafast optical response in thin Au nanodisks", Opt. Mater. Express 9, 3021 (2019).
41. Y. Yi, Z. Chen, X. F. Yu, Z. K. Zhou*, J. Li*, "Recent advances in quantum effects of 2D materials", Adv. Quantum Technol 2, 1800111 (2019).
40. J. C. Xue, Z. K. Zhou*, L. M. Lin, C. Guo, S. Sun, D. Y. Lei, C. W. Qiu*, X. H. Wang*, "Perturbative countersurveillance metaoptics with compound nanosieves", Light Sci. Appl. 8, 101 (2019).
39. M. Wen, J. Wang, R. Tong, D. Liu, H. Huang, Y. Yu, Z. K. Zhou, P. K. Chu, X. F. Yu*, "A low-cost metal-free photocatalyst based on black phosphorus", Adv. Sci 6, 1801321 (2019).
38. T. Song, Z. Chen, W. Zhang, L. Lin, Y. Bao, L. Wu, Z. K. Zhou*, "Compounding plasmon-exciton strong coupling system with gold nanofilm to boost Rabi splitting", Nanomaterials 9, 564 (2019).
37. Y. Bao, Y. Yu, H. Xu, C. Guo, J. Li, S. Sun, Z. K. Zhou*, C. W. Qiu*, X. H. Wang*, "Full-colour nanoprint-hologram synchronous metasurface with arbitrary hue-saturation-brightness control", Light Sci. Appl. 8, 95 (2019). ESI high-cited.
36. X. Li, R. L. Su, Z. K. Zhou, Y. Yu, A. Di Falco, "Photonic trimming of quantum emitters via direct fabrication of metallic nanofeatures", APL. Photonics 3, 071301 (2018).
35. L. Jiang, R. Liu, R. Su, Y. Yu, H. Xu, Y. Wei, Z. K. Zhou*, X. H. Wang, "Continuous wave pumped single-mode nanolasers in inorganic perovskites with robust stability and high quantum yield", Nanoscale 10, 13565 (2018).
34. J. Hu, M. Wu, L. Jiang, Z. Zhong, Z. Zhou, T. Rujiralai, J. Ma*, "Combining gold nanoparticle antennas with single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (smFRET) to study DNA hairpin dynamics", Nanoscale 10, 6611 (2018).
33. Y. J. Bao, Y. Yu, H. F. Xu, Q. L. Lin, Y. Wang, J. T. Li, Z. K. Zhou*, X. H. Wang, "Coherent pixel design of metasurfaces for multidimensional optical control of multiple printing-image switching and encoding", Adv. Funct. Mater. 28, 9 (2018). Cover series story.
32. L. Bai, X. Wang, S. Tang, Y. Kang, J. Wang, Y. Yu, Z. K. Zhou, C. Ma, X. Zhang, J. Jiang, P. K. Chu, X. F. Yu*, "Black phosphorus/platinum heterostructure: a highly efficient photocatalyst for solar-driven chemical reactions", Adv. Mater. 30, 1803641 (2018).
31. Y. Yu*, J. Wang, Y. M. Wei, Z. K. Zhou, H. Q. Ni, Z. C. Niu, X. H. Wang*, S. Y. Yu, "Precise characterization of self-catalyzed III-V nanowire heterostructures via optical second harmonic generation", Nanotechnology 28, 395701 (2017).
30. Z. Q. Wei, Z. K. Zhou*, Q. Y. Li, J. C. Xue, A. Di Falco, Z. J. Yang, J. H. Zhou*, X. H. Wang, "Flexible nanowire cluster as a wearablecolorimetric humidity sensor", Small 13, 1700109 (2017).
29. J. Wang, Y. Yu*, Y. M. Wei, S. F. Liu, J. Li, Z. K. Zhou, Z. C. Niu, S.- . Yu, X. H. Wang*, "High-efficiency broadband second harmonic generation in single hexagonal GaAs nanowire", Sci. Rep-UK 7, 2166 (2017).
28. R. Liu#, Z. K. Zhou#, Y. C. Yu#, T. Zhang, H. Wang, G. Liu, Y. Wei, H. Chen, X. H. Wang, "Strong light-matter interactions in single open plasmonic nanocavities at the quantum optics Limit", Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 237401 (2017). ESI high-cited.
27. C. Huang, K. Wang, Z. Yang, L. Jiang, R. Liu, R. Su, Z. K. Zhou*, X. Wang, "Up-conversion perovskite nanolaser with single mode and low threshold", J. Phys. Chem. C 121, 10071 (2017).
26. Y. Yu, Z. Ji, S. Zu, B. Du, Y. Kang, Z. Li, Z. Zhou, K. Shi, Z. Fang*, "Ultrafast plasmonic hot electron transfer in Au nanoantenna/MoS2 heterostructures", Adv. Funct. Mater. 26, 6394 (2016).
25. Z. W. Ma, C. Chi, Y. Yu, Z. Q. Zhong, L. H. Yao, Z. K. Zhou*, X. Wang, Y. B. Han, J. B. Han*, "Near-UV-enhanced broad-band large third-order optical nonlinearity in aluminum nanorod array film with sub-10 nm gaps", Opt. Express 24, 5387 (2016).
24. W. Li, Y. Qiu, L. Zhang, L. Jiang, Z. Zhou, H. Chen, J. Zhou*, "Aluminum nanopyramid array with tunable ultraviolet-visible-infrared wavelength plasmon resonances for rapid detection of carbohydrate antigen 199", Biosen. Bioelectron. 79, 500 (2016).
23. P. Li, Y. Li, Z. K. Zhou, S. Tang, X. F. Yu*, S. Xiao, Z. Wu, Q. Xiao, Y. Zhao, H. Wang, P. K. Chu, "Evaporative self-assembly of gold nanorods into macroscopic 3D plasmonic superlattice arrays", Adv. Mater. 28, 2511 (2016).
22. D. Kong, J. Xu, R. Zhan, X. Duan, Z. K. Zhou*, "Surface plasmon-enhanced third-order optical non-linearity of silver triangular nanoplate", J. Mod. Optic. 63, 2396 (2016).
21. Z. K. Zhou#, J. Xue#, Z. Zheng, J. Li, Y. Ke, Y. Yu, J.-B. Han, W. Xie, S. Deng, H. Chen*, X. Wang*, "A centimeter-scale sub-10 nm gap plasmonic nanorod array film as a versatile platform for enhancing light-matter interactions", Nanoscale 7, 15392 (2015).
20. J. Xue, Z. K. Zhou*, Z. Wei, R. Su, J. Lai, J. Li, C. Li, T. Zhang, X. H. Wang*, "Scalable, full-colour and controllable chromotropic plasmonic printing", Nat. Commun. 6, 8906 (2015).
19. W. Li, J. Xue, X. Jiang, Z. Zhou, K. Ren, J. Zhou*, "Low-cost replication of plasmonic gold nanomushroom arrays for transmission-mode and multichannel biosensing", Rsc. Adv 5, 61270 (2015).
18. W. Li, X. Jiang, J. Xue, Z. Zhou, J. Zhou*, "Antibody modified gold nano-mushroom arrays for rapid detection of alpha-fetoprotein", Biosen. Bioelectron. 68, 468 (2015).
17. J. H. Li, Z. Q. Wei, J. L. Xu, Z. K. Zhou*, D. L. Kong, J. F. Liu, J. M. Liu, X. Y. Duan, J. C. Xue, J. Wang, X. H. Wang*, "A large-scale flexible plasmonic nanorod array with multifunction of strong photoluminescence emission and radiation Enhancement", Adv. Opt. Mater. 3, 1355 (2015).
16. H. W. Dai, Y. Yu, X. Wang, Z. W. Ma, C. Chen, Z. K. Zhou, J. B. Han*, Y. B. Han, S. D. Liu, L. Li, "Study of surface plasmon induced hot electron relaxation process and third-order optical non linearity in gold nanostructures", J. Phys. Chem. C 119, 27156 (2015).
15. Z. K. Zhou#, D. Y. Lei#, J. Liu#, X. Liu, J. Xue, Q. Zhu, H. Chen*, T. Liu, Y. Li, H. Zhang, X. Wang*, "Shaping the emission spectral profile of quantum dots with periodic dielectric and metallic nanostructures", Adv. Opt. Mater. 2, 56 (2014). Cover series story.
14. H. Xu, J. Liu, X. Duan, J. Li, J. Xue, X. Sun, Y. Cai, Z. K. Zhou* and X. Wang*, "Enhance energy transfer between quantum dots by the surface plasmon of Ag island film", Opt. Mater. Express 4, 2586 (2014).
13. R. Liu, J. H. Zhou, Z. K. Zhou*, X. Jiang, J. Liu, G. Liu and X. H. Wang*, "On-demand shape and size purification of nanoparticle based on surface area", Nanoscale 6, 13145 (2014).
12. J. C. Xue, Q. Z. Zhu, J. M. Liu, Y. Y. Li, Z. K. Zhou*, Z. Y. Lin, J. H. Yan, J. T. Li and X. H. Wang*, "Gold nanoarray deposited using alternating current for emission rate-manipulating nanoantenna", Nanoscale Res. Lett. 8, 295 (2013).
11. Y. L. Wang, Z. K. Zhou, X. N. Peng, L. Zhou, Z. H. Hao, Q. Q. Wang*, "The fluorescence dynamics of chlorophyll a and sodium magnesium chlorophyllin", Chin. Phys. Lett. 30, 098702 (2013).
10. Y. L. Wang, F. Nan, X. L. Liu, L. Zhou, X. N. Peng, Z. K. Zhou, Y. Yu, Z. H. Hao, Y. Wu, W. Zhang, Q. Q. Wang*, Z. Zhang, "Plasmon-enhanced light harvesting of chlorophylls on near-percolating silver films via one-photon anti-Stokes upconversion", Sci. Rep-UK 3, 1861 (2013).
9. Y. Shen, J. Zhou, T. Liu, Y. Tao, R. Jiang, M. Liu, G. Xiao, J. Zhu, Z. K. Zhou, X. Wang, C. Jin*, J. Wang*, "Plasmonic gold mushroom arrays with refractive index sensing figures of merit approaching the theoretical limit", Nat. Commun. 4, 2381 (2013).
8. T. R. Liu, Z. K. Zhou, C. Jin, X. Wang, "Tuning triangular prism dimer into Fano resonance for plasmonic sensor", Plasmonics 8, 885 (2013).
7. T. Liu, Y. Shen, Q. Zhu, Z. K. Zhou, C. Jin*, "Quasi-dark modes in a five-bar plasmonic oligomer", J. Opt. Soc. Am. B. 30, 1420 (2013).
6. J. M. Liu, Z. K. Zhou, C. J. Jin, X. H. Wang*, "Plasmon-mediated nanofocusing beyond the diffraction limit in a visible light region through a subwavelength slit surrounded by nanogrooves", Opt.Appl. 43, 383 (2013).
5. Z. Li, Y. Yu, Z. Chen, T. Liu, Z. K. Zhou*, J. B. Han*, J. Li, C. Jin, X. Wang, "Ultrafast third-order optical nonlinearity in Au triangular nanoprism with strong dipole and quadrupole plasmon resonance", J. Phys. Chem. C 117, 20127 (2013).
4. Z. Chen, H. Dai, J. Liu, H. Xu, Z. Li, Z. K. Zhou*, J. B. Han*, "Dipole plasmon resonance induced large third-order optical nonlinearity of Au triangular nanoprism in infrared region", Opt. Express 21, 17568 (2013).
3. J. B. Li, Y. Yu, X. N. Peng, Z. J. Yang, Z. K. Zhou*, L. Zhou*, "Controlled growth and multi-photon luminescence of hexagonal arrays of Au nanoparticles on anodic aluminum oxide templates", J. Appl. Phys. 111, 123110 (2012).
2. Z. K. Zhou, X. N. Peng, Z. J. Yang, Z. S. Zhang, X. R. Su, Q. Zhang, X. Shan, Q. Q. Wang*, Z. Zhang, "Tuning gold nanorod-nanoparticle hybrids into plasmonic Fano resonance for dramatically enhanced light emission and transmission", Nano Lett. 11, 49 (2011).
1. Z. K. Zhou, M. Li, Z. J. Yang, X. N. Peng, X. R. Su, Z. S. Zhang, J. B. Li, N. C. Kim, X. F. Yu, L. Zhou*, Z. H. Hao, Q. Q. Wang*, "Plasmon-mediated radiative energy transfer across a silver nanowire array via resonant transmission and subwavelength imaging", ACS Nano 4, 5003 (2010).