

张双南 教授(中国科学院高能物理研究所)
Why no electro-magnetic radiation from binary black hole mergers?

主持人:张宏浩 教授

报告简介:According to Oppenheimer and Snyder (1939) and all text books on general relativity, matter can never cross and enter the event horizon of a black hole and thus must be “frozen” just outside the event horizon, clocked by a distant observer. If this is true, a black hole should be a “frozen star”, and the merger of two frozen stars should produce strong electro-magnetic radiation, contrary to the observational fact that no electro-magnetic radiation has been detected from black hole mergers that produce gravitational wave radiation detected by LIGO. In this talk, I will explain why there should be no electro-magnetic radiation from binary black hole mergers, and point out that there is singularity in the center of a black hole, according to Liu and Zhang (2009). I expect that gravitational wave detection may be able to reveal the internal structure of black holes.

报告人简介:张双南,中国科学院高能物理研究所粒子天体物理中心主任。入选国家基金委杰青、国家重要人才项目、国家海外高层次人才等。获得赵九章优秀中青年科学奖、中国科学院杰出科技成就奖、国防科技创新奖和北京市自然科学奖等。发表论文5百多篇,Google Scholar引用超过2万次。担任中国天宫二号伽马暴偏振实验及其空间站后续实验、“慧眼”天文卫星、增强型X射线时变与偏振空间天文台(eXTP)、中国空间站高能宇宙辐射探测实验(HERD)等项目首席科学家。著有《极简天文课》和《科学方法与美学》。